• From Byproducts to Bio-materials
    For Carbon-neutral Circular Economy
    For Nature & Human Protection
    From Negative to High Value

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  • From Byproducts to Bio-materials
    For Carbon-neutral Circular Economy
    For Nature & Human Protection
    From Negative to High Value

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  • From Byproducts to Bio-materials
    For Carbon-neutral Circular Economy
    For Nature & Human Protection
    From Negative to High Value

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A carbon-neutral circular economy ESG company that simultaneously solves environmental and public health problems caused by waste plastic and organic waste by producing biodegradable plastic using organic byproducts.



Innovative biomaterials of MCC, mcl-PHA and CNC will be the key solutions for promoting circular economy and climate change adaptation.

  • MCC

    Our MCC is a versatile and renewable bio-based product ideal for nutritional and pharmaceutical applications.
    Produced from sustainable sources, Greeneple’s MCC is a fine, white, odorless powder that is widely appreciated for its excellent binding and bulking properties.

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  • mcl-PHA

    Greeneple’s mcl-PHA resins represent a breakthrough in soft packaging, bio-adhesives and coatings, offering superior adhesion and protective qualities derived from renewable resources. Providing a sustainable and biodegradable alternative to petroleum-based polymers.

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  • CNC

    The CNC produced by Greeneple represents the pinnacle of nanomaterial technology. Extracted from biomass, these tiny crystalline structures offer exceptional strength and versatility.
    Our CNC is a game-changer for creating composites, films, and aerogels, enabling a new generation of high-performance, sustainable materials.

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Partners in collaboration with Greeneple developing innovative technologies to support sustainable future